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We specialise in finding your sweetspot

No forced methodologies or proprietary models. Not one.
As long as we can deliver the project to a standard we're proud of, we'll tailor scope, solutions & outputs to perfectly suit your company's circumstances & challenge.

Rock.Partners logo symbol


We start with core foundations - direction, connection, impact & value.

We won't tell you what you need. We'll ask about your business & then work out the "need" & the scope with you.

Our Foundations Strategy solutions include:

  1. Facilitated Strategy Workshops

  2. FastFoundations* Programmes (great for start-ups & small teams)

  3. FirmFoundations* Programmes (essential for established businesses with audiences to consult)


*The difference is generally the extent or depth of research involved. Whatever solution you prefer, know that we'll talk your language. No buzzwords. No jargon. We won't insist upon "finding your why". We promise never to use the phrase "authentic values".

We'll challenge where needed & will keep our thinking grounded & relevant. You'll end up with a clear, relatable output that you're excited to run with.

Sound good? Get in touch.

Man standing on rock as vantage point, representing the power of strong business brand strategy consulting
Aligned team; alignment yield advantage
Rock.Partners logo symbol


There's no point having solid foundations if your business doesn't stand on them.  To get really strong, you also need to align all of your Commercial, Cultural & Creative activities with your foundations strategy.

Rock's approach to Alignment is to:

  1. work out what needs to be done - i.e. what gaps there are between the new strategy & the current business activities  

  2. identify who needs to do it - i.e. what can be managed by you internally vs outsourced (either to us directly or a specialist partner)

  3. coordinate the delivery plan - i.e. working with your internal team &/or external partners (either your own or sourced by Rock) to ensure all areas of the business are working cohesively in line with the strategy.

The clue's in the name... Rock.Partners works with a hand-picked bunch of specialists in their respective fields - from culture scientists to process consultants; IP lawyers to digital marketers, designers & copywriters. 

Our alignment programmes are delivered on a retainer basis. We put together the best partnership team for your business' needs, acting only in your interests - no kick-backs, no commissions. 

Interested? Get in touch.

Recent Use Cases

To discuss any of previous projects in more detail, drop us a line...


In the interests of client confidentiality, there's only so much we can share...

Education Technology

Edtech start-up, established 2 years, but struggling to gain traction.

Incoming CRO prompted review of foundations, seeing discord in the advisory team & slow progress in product dvlpmt.

Objective: Start Strong

Fast consultation & research programme inc:

  • founder interview

  • advisory team interviews

  • global peer review

  • team strategy workshop

Led by: Rachel Vigers

Resulting in:

  • Foundations: new strategy, incl. more focused direction

  • Commercial alignment: product, pricing & GTM team calls

  • Creative alignment: new pitch deck template

  • Cultural alignment: N/A 

Retail Franchise

International retail franchise, established 15 years but lacking in cohesion & focus in the face of a rapidly evolving customer base.


Change in majority ownership prompted review of foundations.

Objective: Grow Strong

Robust consultation & research programme inc:

  • management interviews

  • franchisee interviews

  • qualitative consumer study (w/ specialist market research partner)

  • market landscape review

  • peer review

Led by: Rachel Vigers

Resulting in:

  • Foundations: new strategy 

  • Commercial alignment: ops manual

  • Creative alignment: full rebrand, inc. brand identity, packaging & store design (w/ retail design partner)

  • Cultural alignment: internal comms support

Chartered Accounting

Family-owned accountancy firm, established 10 years. 

Long term secession planning prompted review of foundation strategy, along with a desire to be more intentional about the firm's audience, offer & growth opportunities.

Objective: Exit Strong

Fast consultation & research programme (time pressure of 10yr anniversary) inc:

  • management interviews

  • market landscape review

  • peer & competitor reviews

Led by: Rachel Vigers

Resulting in:

  • Foundations: new strategy with 

  • Commercial alignment: re-packaging & pricing of services, client on-boarding

  • Creative alignment: full rebrand, inc new brand identity & website (with graphic design, digital marketing & SEO partners)

  • Cultural alignment: N/A

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